Representation You Can Put Your Faith In

Clarksville Catastrophic Injury Lawyers Help You Get Your Life Back

Fighting for clients permanently disabled or seriously disfigured

Any injury seriously can disrupt your life by keeping you out of work and preventing you from enjoying family and other activities. However some injuries are so serious that they forever change the direction of your life and the lives of your family members. When a catastrophic injury befalls someone you love, it can be easy to fall into a state of shock. However it is important to remember that God still has a plan for you and your family and life goes on. The reality is that it will take a great deal of money to support your family and give the injured person the best quality of life possible. Our attorneys at the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC are especially adept at handling these complex and high-stakes cases. With a strong reputation throughout Clarksville and the surrounding counties as excellent litigators, insurance companies and defense attorneys who face us know we do not accept less than justice for our clients.

Common types of catastrophic injuries

There are several types of injuries that can have a particularly serious effect on your life and the lives of your family members:

  • Brain injuries – A serious brain injury caused by blunt force or other serious trauma to the head can have a number of adverse effects. Internal hemorrhaging can cause permanent brain damage that can lead to cognitive limitations, sensory loss, personality changes, and in some serious cases, long-term or permanent coma. These types of injuries are especially common in motorcycle accidents but can also occur in other types of vehicle crashes, after a slip and fall, or on the job.
  • Back and neck injuries – The spinal cord is the highway that allows the brain to both send and receive signals to and from the rest of the body. Yet this important conduit is surprisingly exposed and can be damaged or severed as the result of neck and back injuries. The results can range from ambulatory and sensory limitation to total paralysis and the broader health issues that accompany it. These types of limitations can forever alter the course of your life, but our Clarksville attorneys can help you get the financial resources you need to overcome your limitations.
  • Burns and scarring – Fire, electrocution, chemical contact or exposure to explosive force can all potentially cause serious burns and scarring. In addition to requiring expensive treatment and causing serious and ongoing pain, many victims must relive these injuries every time they look in the mirror. In this way, severe disfigurement can also cause serious and ongoing psychological issues for the victim and daily struggles for his or her family.

Catastrophic injury cases stand apart from typical personal injury claims. They deserve the attention of an experienced, well-known law firm. At the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, we call upon a network of skilled scientific, technical and medical experts to evaluate and provide testimony on behalf of our clients. As litigators, we have cultivated a reputation in Clarksville for always willing to go to court when necessary to get justice for our clients.

We are committed to helping victims of catastrophic injuries

With more than 75 years of combined legal experience, you and your family can rely on our attorneys at the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC to handle your serious or catastrophic injury with the level of personal care and commitment it deserves. From our three Clarksville offices, we serve the counties of Montgomery, Davidson, Stewart, Cheatham, Houston, Dickson, Humphreys and Henry. We offer free consultations to assess your legal claim and can visit you at home or in a hospital or other medical facility. Call us today at 931-444-5620 or contact us online to set up a meeting with one of our attorneys.