Representation You Can Put Your Faith In

Back and Spine Injury Attorneys in Clarksville Get You the Help You Need

Fighting for paralyzed and mobility-impaired accident victims

The spine is a complex structure that can be very sensitive to damage and very difficult to repair should damage occur. Not only does it contain dozens of individual discs and vertebrae, but it also houses the most important neural pathway in the entire human body – the spinal cord. For these reasons, even minor damage to this crucial structure can have a substantial and long-term effect on your quality of life. Serious damage can have a catastrophic effect, including paralysis or other lifelong mobility and vocational limitations. At the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, we have cultivated a distinguished network of respected and credible back and spine experts to assist our clients in Clarksville, TN, in documenting and proving their injury claims. Our reputation lets insurance companies and defendants know from the start that our attorneys do not accept less than fair compensation for our injured clients and their families.

Common types and causes of back and spine injuries

Traumatic spinal injuries most commonly occur from car accidents, serious falls and similar accidents. Serious back injuries can also occur without trauma because of repetitive stress or motion. Whether traumatic or non-traumatic, these injuries can run the full range of severity:

  • Spinal cord compression
  • Bulging or ruptured discs
  • Broken or cracked vertebrae
  • Spondylitis
  • Spondylosis
  • Spinal cord severance

Long-term effects of spinal injuries

Your spine bears a significant and continuous load every day. For these reasons, damage to the bones, the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine or the attached muscles can cause chronic pain and loss of mobility and ultimately may prevent you from working or engaging in the activities you once enjoyed. Paralysis, often caused by serious damage to or severance of the spinal cord from a catastrophic injury can not only change your life forever but can also cause a number of cardiac and respiratory ailments in addition to its direct effects.

With more than 75 years of combined personal injury experience, our attorneys at the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC have managed nearly every type of back injury case and understand the tactics insurance companies and defendants use to minimize or avoid liability. By bringing our substantial experience and resources to bear, we hold them accountable for the full extent of your injuries and the effect they have had on your life.

We can help victims of permanent spinal injuries in Clarksville

When a catastrophic back injury changes your life or the life of someone you love, you can trust your case to the experienced and dedicated attorneys at the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC. From our offices in Clarksville, we have been fighting for people and families throughout Tennessee for nearly 27 years. Call us today at 931-444-5620 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and case analysis at one of our three Clarksville office locations or at your home, hospital or other location. We can help you get the compensation you need to preserve quality of life and continue providing for your family even after a serious spinal injury.