Representation You Can Put Your Faith In

Tailored Wills And Trusts

Creating an estate plan that gives you peace of mind and that serves your loved ones after you are gone is a smart choice to make no matter how complex or simple your estate is. Our firm can help guide you through the process and help you understand what types of estate planning documents will help you most.


A will can take care of all your estate planning needs or it can serve as the cornerstone of a more complex estate plan. It all depends on what your exact needs are. We focus on giving people estate plans that are tailored to their exact needs. If a will is sufficient to meet those needs we will not encourage you to pursue a more complex plan.


There are many different types of trusts. They serve a wide variety of purposes from providing for a child with special needs to trusts designed to keep heirs from wasting valuable financial resources that could help them over the course of their lives.

Some of the common benefits people look to trusts for include:

  • Avoiding probate
  • Minimizing tax burdens
  • Keeping family affairs from becoming public record

We can craft trusts that will serve all of your needs.

Other Useful Estate Planning Documents

In addition to wills and trusts, there are other documents that can be very useful parts of an estate plan such as:

  • Powers of attorney
  • Advance directives
  • Living wills

Decades Of Experience Make A Difference

At the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, we are dedicated to delivering tailored estate plans to our clients. We are able to create plans that serve your particular needs by taking the time to sit down and get to know you, what is important to you and what you hope to accomplish with your estate plan. Since 1984, we have been working hard to meet the legal needs of people in our community. Those decades of experience help us build the estate plan you need.

Wills And Trusts Lawyers Serving Clarksville And Throughout Tennessee

For experienced assistance building the estate plan you need, turn to the Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 931-444-5620 or contact us online.