Representation You Can Put Your Faith In

Criminal Defense For Accusations Of Sex Crimes In Tennessee

The accusation alone of having committed a sex crime can be enough to damage your reputation and threaten your future. A conviction for sexual misconduct will redefine your life permanently and cause you and your loved ones embarrassment and harm.

However, with a skilled legal defense and a team of experienced criminal defense attorneys, you can take action to protect yourself against the possibility of a conviction and all its resulting inevitable damage. Effectively defending yourself against criminal charges is also the only way to ensure that people understand there is another side to the story. Our sex crime defense attorneys at The Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, in Clarksville can help you fight the accusations and charges against you.

Aggressive Criminal Defense For Sex Offenses

We are committed to providing aggressive defense for individuals facing sex crime charges. We understand the serious nature of these allegations and the impact they can have on your life. We handle a variety of sex crimes, including:

  • Kidnapping: Kidnapping includes the unlawful taking or detaining someone against their will, often with the intent to commit another crime.
  • Rape and aggravated rape: In Tennessee, rape is defined as unlawful sexual penetration. Aggravated rape is rape accompanied by force, coercion or when the victim is mentally incapacitated.
  • Sexual battery: Involves nonpenetrative sexual contact without consent. Any nonconsensual sexual act forced upon another person.
  • Solicitation: Solicitation charges include requesting or encouraging someone to engage in a sexual act, often involving money or another form of compensation.
  • Prostitution: Engaging in or promoting sexual activity in exchange for money or goods can lead to prostitution charges.

If a crime is charged as an aggravated crime, it means that certain factors, such as the use of a weapon or causing severe harm, make the offense more serious. Aggravated charges often carry harsher penalties.

Comprehensive Criminal Defense For Sex Crimes Against Children

Our firm also provides defense for accusations and charges involving sex crimes against children. These cases require sensitivity and a thorough understanding of the law. We handle offenses, including:

  • Statutory rape: Statutory rape involves engaging in sexual activity with a minor who is below the age of consent.
  • Child sex abuse: Any sexual activity with a child, including touching and exploitation.
  • Exploitation of a minor: Involving a child in sexual acts or using a child in pornography.

Where the alleged crime occurs can significantly affect the charges. Crimes committed near schools or playgrounds, which are considered protected areas, can lead to enhanced penalties.

What Is The Legal Definition Of Criminal Attempt In A Sex Crime?

In Tennessee, a criminal attempt in a sex crime occurs when someone takes a substantial step toward committing the crime, even if the crime itself is not completed. For example, if a person intends to commit sexual assault and takes actions toward that goal, such as planning or making arrangements to meet the victim, they can be charged with an attempt. The intent and the actions taken play crucial roles in determining an attempt. It is important to consult a lawyer if you face such charges, as the consequences can be severe.

What Are The Different Degrees Of Sex Crimes In Tennessee?

Tennessee classifies sex crimes into various degrees, each with differing levels of severity and penalties.

  • First-degree offenses: First-degree offenses are the most serious and include crimes like aggravated rape, which involves force or coercion.
  • Second-degree offenses: Second-degree offenses might involve less severe circumstances but still carry significant penalties.
  • Third-degree offenses: Third-degree crimes are considered less severe but can still result in serious consequences.

Many sex crimes in Tennessee, especially those of the first and second degrees, require registration as a sex offender. This registration can have long-lasting effects on your personal and professional life, so understanding the degrees and seeking legal guidance if you suspect that you are under investigation for a possible sex offense is critically important.

Registering As A Sex Offender

For those facing sex crime charges, one of the greatest threats is the possibility of having to register as a sex offender if convicted. Some crimes even require registration as a sex offender for the rest of their lives. Some of the extreme requirements that registered sex offenders must abide by include:

  • Living restrictions: For example, a registered sex offender is not able to live near schools, playgrounds or other places children may frequent.
  • Work restrictions: Registered offenders are not able to work at certain jobs that would bring possible contact with children.
  • Address reporting: Registered sex offenders are required to report any address changes.

In addition, any violation of your requirements as a registered sex offender could be considered as another, new crime. Too many people become caught in a cycle where they cannot avoid violating their conditions and end up facing additional felony charges.

Decades Of Experience Make A Difference

At The Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, we know the damage that accusations, charges and convictions for sex crime charges can do. Our criminal defense lawyers put all of our experience and skill to work toward protecting our clients from suffering the repercussions of a conviction. With more than 75 years of combined experience defending people against the most complex criminal charges, our sex crime defense lawyers are able to build cases that help our clients secure the best possible resolutions.

Consult A Clarksville Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer For Free

Our criminal defense lawyers at The Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, are available for confidential appointments. If you believe that you are under investigation for a sex crime or have been accused of sexual misconduct or charged with a sex crime, time is of the essence. Reach out to schedule your free appointment by sending us a message or by calling us at 931-444-5620. Let us help you protect your future and your freedom.