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Who covers losses after a motor vehicle accident?

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2021 | Car Accidents |

Even a “minor” automobile collision in Tennessee could lead to severe injuries. Injured persons might find themselves undergoing extensive, possibly life-saving surgery in the aftermath. Medical costs could prove enormous, and health insurance may only cover a portion. Other expenses might disastrously impact the victim. Filing a lawsuit or seeking a large insurance settlement may become vital for someone’s financial well-being. What damages could an injured driver, passenger, or pedestrian expect?

Seeking common damages after an auto accident

Medical expenses might be high on the list of things sought by the injured party. Medical treatment hits people’s savings. Even a short trip to the emergency room, one that ends with minimal care, could cost several thousands of dollars. “Major” incidents might deliver six-figure bills. Ambulance and hospital fees could be enormous, and they may only reflect a small portion of costs. Rehab, at-home nursing and other treatments might be unavoidable.

Auto insurance usually comes with a medical expenses component, but it might be insufficient. Seeking higher awards from the policy’s liability or uninsured motorist coverage might be advisable.

Additional expenses sought after a car accident

Recovering from injuries may leave someone out of the workplace. Lost income and wages represent additional costs someone might try to recover in a civil action. Pain and suffering may receive consideration from a jury. Persons hurt by outrageously negligent drivers, such as someone who engages in a reckless high-speed chase with police or an incredibly intoxicated person, could inflict horrible injuries on innocent people. Seeking punitive awards for pain and suffering might not seem unreasonable to a jury.

Even “loss of consortium and affection” may be recoverable. A case might not need to involve a fatality to seek these types of damages.

A motor vehicle accident could prove financially devastating for victims. They might find it advisable to have legal assistance throughout the process.
