Many safety systems are now standard features in most modern vehicles. Backup cameras have been mandatory for over five years now. Seat belts and airbags have been necessary safety features for far longer than that. Existing safety systems have already helped reduce...
Car Accidents
Considerations: Crashes involving wildlife
Drivers have a plethora of hazards to watch for when they’re on the roads. Wildlife isn’t usually one that people think about often, but wrecks involving deer and other wildlife can lead to significant property damage and injuries. For example, the National Highway...
Is your Tennessee car insurance policy actually protecting you?
Many Tennessee drivers take a misguided approach to automotive insurance. Drivers in Tennessee have a legal obligation to carry liability coverage. Their policy helps ensure that other parties won't bear the burden of a crash that they cause. Liability coverage can...
Establishing fault after a multi-vehicle collision
After some motor vehicle collisions, fault is relatively easy to establish. One of the drivers involved was under the influence of alcohol or did something else very clearly illegal or unsafe that directly caused the wreck. The other driver can then pursue a...
Tennessee is one of the most dangerous states for fatal truck crashes
Large semi-trucks provide ground transportation for goods and raw materials in the United States and they play a major role in the modern economy. They provide well-compensated jobs for many blue-collar workers and keep transportation costs affordable, even when...
Car crash deaths are up in Tennessee
The risk of a collision is the dark underside of the convenience of individual transportation. The average person is aware that crashes occur but likely believes that their own skill will protect them from a major collision. An individual's skill, patience and safety...
U.S. Traffic Deaths Hit 20-Year-High in Early 2022
Motor vehicles are among the biggest safety hazards for modern Americans, and policymakers have taken major steps to reduce that risk since individual motor vehicle travel became the standard. Numerous legal efforts have helped to reduce the frequency of collisions,...
The four types of distracted driving in Tennessee
Distracted driving continues to be the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents in Tennessee. There are hundreds of distractions; however, they can all be classified into four main categories: cognitive, auditory, manual, and visual. Cognitive distractions Cognitive...
What can happen when a driver doesn’t respect a road construction zone
As a responsible driver, you know that you need to slow down and be extra careful when going through a road construction zone. But as we all know, not everyone takes traffic safety seriously. Every year in Clarksville and throughout Tennessee, people get seriously...
Some motorcycle accident statistics
Riding a motorcycle offers residents of Tennessee a sense of freedom and adventure. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle is also more dangerous than driving a car. These are common motorcycle accident statistics. Rate of fatalities from motorcycle accidents Motorcycles...