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Securing a restricted license when fighting traffic infractions

On Behalf of | Sep 27, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

Technically, it is illegal to violate traffic statutes. Most of the time, people who drive in an unsafe or illegal manner are at risk of tickets or citations rather than arrest. Under Tennessee law, only the most serious traffic violations lead to criminal charges.

Those accused of drunk driving or reckless driving may end up facing criminal allegations. Most other motorists receive a citation or traffic ticket. That ticket carries a large fine in many cases. The state requires that drivers pay their traffic citations in a timely fashion.

Failure to do so can lead to a license suspension. So can pending driving under the influence (DUI) charges or test refusals. Some motorists may need to pursue a restricted license until they resolve a traffic controversy.

What is a restricted license?

The state of Tennessee can issue a special, limited driver’s license to those who have failed to pay the fee for a traffic citation or who have pending charges for certain offenses. Typically, a restricted license only allows someone to drive and specific circumstances.

Professionals can drive to and from work and perform any driving necessary because of their jobs. Students with restricted licenses can drive to and from their educational institution as long as they are enrolled full-time. Restricted licenses allow people to perform basic and necessary functions before resolving the legal controversy related to their traffic tickets. However, restricted licenses aren’t available for those who need commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs) or for those with a DUI conviction from within the last 10 years.

How can people secure restricted licenses?

Obtaining a restricted license requires the submission of an application to the state. Typically, they require certified orders from the courts. They also have to obtain an SR-22 form from their insurance provider proving that they currently have a policy in effect. Basic policy documentation is not sufficient for those seeking a restricted license.

There are also fees involved, as well as a strict turnaround time. All of the paperwork must go to a Driver Services Center within 10 days of the courts issuing the order. Small mistakes in that process can prevent someone from obtaining a restricted license.

Those facing serious charges related to traffic infractions or planning to fight traffic tickets may need assistance as they seek a restricted license. Getting the right support can improve the chances of retaining driving privileges and avoiding convictions and other legal setbacks.
