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When another driver’s negligence causes you injury

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2020 | Personal Injury |

Driving on Tennessee roadways can be stressful and challenging. Traffic flow, road conditions and weather can all have significant impact on your ability to safely arrive to your destination. Every time you get behind the wheel or travel as a passenger in someone’s vehicle, there is another factor that can mean the difference between safe travel and disaster. Driver negligence is the main cause of thousands of motor vehicle collisions, many of which result in serious or fatal injuries.

You might not expect a small collision to result injury. However, the sudden impact of two colliding vehicles can cause any number of injuries, even if the vehicles were traveling at low speeds. This is why it’s so important to seek medical attention after a car accident. You might feel okay other than being shaken up a bit, but it’s best to seek medical examination to make sure there are no internal injuries and to create documentation that could come in handy down the line.

Be mindful of symptoms that suggest injury

Some injuries are undoubtedly more serious than others. It’s also true that not all injuries are immediately apparent. If you’re unconscious or bleeding, rescuers can see that you need medical treatment. The problem is that some injuries may not be visible right away or symptoms might not surface until hours or days later. The following list provides basic facts and information regarding some of the most common types of injuries you might suffer in a motor vehicle collision:

  • It’s important to closely monitor your condition, especially with regard to potential brain injuries. If your head hit a hard surface in the vehicle upon collision or you were jostled so suddenly that it jarred your head, you might suffer a concussion or subdural hematoma, which is bleeding under the skull.
  • Facial, teeth and jaw injuries are also common results of sudden impact in motor vehicles collisions. Such injuries can occur if you hit the steering wheel or other hard surface in the vehicle or from the deployment of an airbag.
  • Whiplash is not one specific injury. It is a category of neck or spinal injuries that often occur in a collision, especially if the other vehicle hit you from behind.
  • Collarbone, clavicle, rib and other bone injuries can cause severe pain.
  • Internal injuries are medical emergencies that can be life-threatening. Medical teams must often work fast to stop internal bleeding, perform surgery or take other measures to save lives.

Perhaps, you received medical attention and doctors then released you to go home after a car accident. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are in the clear regarding personal injury. If you do not feel well at any time in the following hours or days, it’s always best to return to the hospital or your doctor to seek further medical examination. It’s also important the attending physician know that you were recently involved in a collision.

Who pays the bills?

It’s no secret that medical care is expensive. Beyond that, if you’re recovering from a car accident, you might need additional treatment, such as physical therapy, in-home daily living assistance and more. It’s a fact that many recovering accident victims wind up in financial crisis, perhaps using credit cards to pay bills or struggling to make ends meet at home because of lost income during recovery.

Many Tennessee accident victims have sought relief by filing personal injury claims in civil court. In such cases, plaintiffs must provide evidence that another party’s negligence was a causal factor toward their injuries.
