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Are you facing felony robbery charges?

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2019 | Criminal Defense |

Ending up in a situation in which you need to defend your innocence against criminal accusations in distressing. You may have felt like you had little time to get your bearings as police officers took you into custody, transported you from one place to another, likely questioned you, and otherwise bombarded you with information and activity.

Now that some of the dust from the initial arrest has settled, you know the importance of fully understanding the charges that you face and what the potential outcomes of a conviction could be. As a result, you want to gain as much reliable information about your case as possible.

Robbery charges

The allegations that police officers have brought against you relate to robbery. Unfortunately, in Tennessee, robbery is a felony crime and has varying levels of severity. Because a more serious charge can come with more severe possible consequences, you will certainly want to know which of the following charges you face:

  • Robbery is a Class C felony that involves intentionally taking someone else’s property by violence or causing a sense of fear in the person. A conviction could lead to three to 15 years in prison.
  • Aggravated robbery is a Class B felony involving the use of a deadly weapon, causing the person to believe you have a deadly weapon OR otherwise causing serious bodily harm to the person. A conviction could result in eight to 30 years in prison.
  • Especially aggravated robbery is a Class A felony that involves the use of a deadly weapon AND serious bodily harm to the person. A conviction could lead to 15 to 60 years in prison.

With any of these charges, you face the possibility of serious time behind bars if the court convicts you of the crime.

Defending against charges

Fortunately, you have the right to defend against robbery charges. Even if police officers say that they know you did it or tell you that you are going to jail, you may want to remember that they do not decide those outcomes. The jury associated with your criminal case must decide whether the evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of the crime.

Because you certainly do not want to receive such a verdict, you will want to gain information on your defense options. Determining what courses of action may best suit your case could help you work toward favorable outcomes.
